You can do a lot to prevent diabetes eye problems.
- Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can.
- Have an eye care professional examine your eyes once a year.
- Have this exam even if your vision is OK.
- The eye care professional will use drops to make the black part of your eyes-pupils-bigger.
- This process is called dilating your pupil, which allows the eye care professional to see the back of your eye.
- Finding eye problems early and getting treatment right away will help prevent more serious problems later on.

Undilated eye.
- Ask your eye care professional to check for signs of cataracts and glaucoma.
- See What other eye problems can happen to people with diabetes? to learn more about cataracts and glaucoma.
- If you are planning to get pregnant soon, ask your doctor if you should have an eye exam.
- If you are pregnant and have diabetes, see an eye care professional during your first 3 months of pregnancy.
- Don't smoke.
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