As diabetes retina problems get worse, new blood vessels grow.
These new blood vessels are weak. They break easily and leak blood into the vitreous of your eye.
The leaking blood keeps light from reaching the retina.
You may see floating spots or almost total darkness.
Sometimes the blood will clear out by itself. But you might need surgery to remove it.
Over the years, the swollen and weak blood vessels can form scar tissue and pull the retina away from the back of the eye.
If the retina becomes detached, you may see floating spots or flashing lights.
You may feel as if a curtain has been pulled over part of what you are looking at.
A detached retina can cause loss of sight or blindness if you don't take care of it right away.
Call your eye care professional right away if you are having any vision problems or if you have had a sudden change in your vision.

What can I do about diabetes retina problems?
Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can.
Your eye care professional may suggest laser treatment, which is when a light beam is aimed into the retina of the damaged eye. The beam closes off leaking blood vessels.
It may stop blood and fluid from leaking into the vitreous.
Laser treatment may slow the loss of sight.
If a lot of blood has leaked into your vitreous and your sight is poor, your eye care professional might suggest you have surgery called a vitrectomy.
A vitrectomy removes blood and fluid from the vitreous of your eye.
Then clean fluid is put back into the eye. The surgery can make your eyesight better.
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